The end of February we spent 2 days in the hospital cause poor little Ethan had strep, tonsillitis that was closing off his air way and a double ear infection. He was so sick......They pumped him full of IV fluids, antibiotics, and steroids.
Happy Halloween. Ethan was a lion...we had so much fun! Ethan is helping grandma clean up the back of their house. Ethan was walking all over the house in his walker. When it got really quiet I went to find out what mess he had made this time and found that he had just fallen asleep in the walker.....That is one way to get them to sleep.....:) Or just give him to daddy and turn on was so cute. good thing for recordings:) Grandma Ginna came to town to get her baby fix.... she didn't realize she would be holding two very chunky babies at the same time though (Ethan and Jocelyn) ...but she loved every moment!!
Ethan and Shelbi got to go for a free pony ride. Shelbi absolutely loved it. Ethan was not sure, he couldn't figure out what it was he was suppose to do. It was fun though.
Everyone enjoyed swimming at the pool. even Aj's wife Shelby decided to come join. We did have lots of fun and tried to destress from all the wedding fun.
Then Kalee, Jacee, and I with the 3 kids drove back to California. This time I think it took us about 9 hours with all the stops. and poor Kalee was stuck sitting between two crying babies most the whole trip and at one point she was trying to feed both at the same time to try and get them to stop crying. It was a hard job but way-t0-go kalee!!!! Next time we are going to drive during the night so they all sleep. Then back at Jacee's we stayed 2 nights before flying home. Hurley was so excited to see shelbi and Shelbi was so excited to play with Hurley. But after a long 8 day vacation we were all ready to get home and get back to a normal schedule.
Kalee and I decided to go see Jacee in San Diego California. We took the kids (Ethan, Shelbi, and Jocelyn) on there 1st air plane ride. They all did better than I was expecting. Although we should have packed lighter because it was a pain in the butt to get 3 carry on's plus shelbi's car seat while holding two babies in our arms onto the plane. Im sure it was a very funny sight but not one person on a full flight offered to help, they all just sat there and watched. People can be so rude sometimes. But then to top the situation off, after getting situated and in our seats the pilot told us that the weather was too bad to fly and everyone had to debord. Kalee was so mad it was funny. but we waited until the very last person was getting off before standing up and right then they all started to get back on. We just sat there, grateful we didn't have to get off and smiling at everyone as they passed to get back on the plane...... so I do have to say that pay backs really do happen
We spent the night at Jacee's house Friday and met her new dog Basil. she is less than two lbs and so very cute. It was so hot that we had to wait until it was almost dark to walk to the park. Shelbi was so excited and had so much fun. While we were there I put Ethan in the swing and he just loved it. This was Jacee's first time to meet and play with both Jocelyn and Ethan.
On Saturday we all drove to Arizona for my cousin AJ's wedding. (he is the only son of my dad's sister Paula) It was a long drive with all the stops we had to make but it was fun. We stayed in the Cibola Vista Resort in Peoria AZ. It was a nice place but Arizona was verrrrrrry hot. (108 degrees) We had dinner that night at Shelby's house (AJ's fiancee) and got to meet everyone in the wedding party. At the dinner table my family got laughing so hard at so many things that her family came over to ask us what we were drinking and was totally shocked when they found out it was only water. It was so funny. That is the power of water...nearly makes you pee your pants:)
My cousin AJ and Shelby were married on Sunday September 5th. It was a great day and only about 99 degrees. They looked so cute together. Monday I took Ethan to the pool for the 1st time. He cried at first but than was having a good time towards the end. I think we all had a good time.
Monday, June 7, 2010
We had Ethan's Blessing on Sunday June 6th 2010. It was a wonderful day and Steve gave a very nice blessing. Ethan was such a good baby too. All the Franson Boys! 3 generation pic so cute!!!!!